Before downloading each form, please review the requirements to ensure that you are compliant.
FAA PRD / DOT Drug & Alcohol History / National Driver Register
FAA Requirement: 14 CFR Parts 91, 121, 125 & 135 Operators
- PRD records retrieval
- DOT Drug & Alcohol History Check
- National Driver Register (NDR) ChecK
DOT Drug & Alcohol History Check & National Driver Register
DOT Requirement: 49 CFR 40.25 and 40.333 / FAA Requirement: 14 CFR Parts 121, 125 & 135 Operators
- Drug & Alcohol History Check
- National Driver Register (NDR) Check
National Driver Register
FAA Requirement: 14 CFR Parts 91, 121, 125 & 135 Operators
- National Driver Register (NDR) Check
DCA Access Standard Security Program (DASSP)
TSA Requirement: 49 CFR 1520, 1540 & 1562
- FAA Airman File Check
Employer Verification
Per previous employer
- This may be required by certain airport authorities